Sexual Journey Postpartum
Your postpartum period is a remarkable and transformative time in a woman's life. But this period also brings changes to your intimate life which we unfortunately don’t talk enough about.
1. Pelvic Floor Changes
Our pelvic floor muscles play a vital role in our sexual function, and pregnancy and childbirth can affect these muscles in various ways. Here are some common changes:
a. Weakening of Pelvic Floor Muscles:
This can lead to decreased sensation and difficulty achieving orgasm.
b. Increased Muscle Tone:
On the flip side, some women may experience increased muscle tone in the pelvic floor muscles, causing tightness or discomfort during sex.
c. Incontinence and Sensation:
Postpartum, some women may experience incontinence or a sense of 'heaviness' in the pelvic area during intimate moments. This can influence the pleasure experienced in these intimate moments.
2. Sensation Changes
Apart from pelvic floor-related changes, overall sexual sensations can also change postpartum:
a. Altered Orgasm:
Orgasms might feel different or take more or less time to achieve. Your body's response to stimulation can change due to hormonal fluctuations and muscle tension as mentioned above.
b. Breastfeeding and Milk Letdown:
If you're breastfeeding, you might experience milk letdown or leakage during arousal or orgasm.
3. Libido:
It is entirely normal for your libido to fluctuate postpartum. Don't rush yourself or feel pressured to engage in sexual activity if you're not ready. Everyone has a different timeline!
4. Seeking Support
Navigating these changes can be a journey, but you don't have to do it alone:
a. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy:
A pelvic health physiotherapist can be your ally in regaining correct pelvic coordination.
b. Obstetrician or doctor:
They can look into topical estrogen crème if you experience pain during sex and refer to any specialist such as a sexologist as well.