Start your postnatal recovery STRONG!

Join a supportive community of mums as you safely rebuild strength, heal, and regain fitness.

Fairfield and Heidelberg location (Melbourne)



My signature postnatal program,
focuses on core and pelvic floor rehabilitation, diastasis recti healing and rebuilding pre-pregnancy strength & fitness. 

1. Recover and rebuild with a structured 6 to 8 week program focused on core and pelvic floor rehab, diastasis healing, and strength restoration postpartum

2. Join a welcoming community of mums, with bubs included, sharing in the journey of postnatal recovery together

3. Receive personalised guidance and expert education tailored to your unique postnatal needs, whether after a vaginal or C-section delivery or if managing prolapse or incontinence.


6 to 8 week progressive program
2x Face-2-Face classes a week + 1x home workout video
Maximum of 10 mums per group
Personal guidance and expert education throughout the weeks about postnatal recovery
Bubs welcome
Start 6+ weeks till 12 months postpartum
Suitable for all fitness levels

Face-to-Face Training for Lasting Results

personalised guidance
real-time correction
social interaction
accountability and consistency
instant motivation
  • Lisa Reichelt

    I've been working with Liesbeth for 3 years through the birth of both my babies. She is an amazing coach and advocate for women's health. Being able to bring your baby along to class is also a huge bonus

  • Elenia Oakley

    Liesbeth’s SAMs program has given me the motivation to get and STAY moving. I feel physically and mentally strong, and confident I’m on the right path to achieve all my fitness goals. The classes are a great way to meet like-minded Mums. Liesbeth is incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, and I know she always has our back.

  • Telisa Stocco

    I really enjoyed Lpeeters.coach Strong Active Mums program. It helped me get back into exercise and build up my strength following my second baby and it is a great class to also connect with other mums.

  • Emma Almatrah

    I first saw Liesbeth during my pregnancy where she gave me tips and advice for how to continue exercising throughout my pregnancy. I then joined her Strong Active Mums program 8 weeks after my baby was born and have loved every single second!

  • Lies Van den Steen

    4 months post partum I joined Liesbeth’s program and I was craving ‘getting back to normal’. Through the program and focus on strength I felt stronger every week. I don’t desire ‘going back’ but I am proud of getting stronger every day! Can’t thank Liesbeth enough for the variation, challenge and passion she puts in each session.

  • Sophie Maxwell

    Liesbeth has helped me build back my strength and confidence after having a baby. Her warm and encouraging presence, combined with her expertise and the small and welcoming group context, make the classes a highlight of my week.